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Employee Assistance Program

Southern University of New Orleans (SUNO) is mindful of the fact that everyone experiences personal difficulties from time to time, and that these situations can be emotionally, physically, and mentally disruptive to an employee’s, otherwise, well-balanced and fulfilling life. In recognition of these circumstances, and as a means of minimizing any potential adverse effect on the employee’s job performance, the Office of Human Resources has a developed a list of programs, agencies, and resources whereby employees can acquire a limited amount of confidential assistance in dealing with such matters as family or martial conflicts, divorce, death, serious financial difficulties and chemical dependency.


Employees wishing to obtain more information of available resources should contact the Office of Human Resources Services for a confidential discussion of this program and referral at:


Office of Human Resources

Bernette Taylor, Director

6400 Press Dr.

New Orleans, LA 70126

Phone Number: (504) XXX-XXXX
